Medical devices
SHIN WOO MEDILAND CO.,LTD.The medical laser device relieves pain by irradiating the acupuncture point with a laser on the acupuncture point in oriental medicine. The device includes a power supply unit, a control unit, a display unit, a safety device, and the like, and a laser is irradiated through a suction cable connected to the main body. When a 650-nm-wavelength laser is irradiated to the skin, only light energy is transmitted to the body through the surface of the skin, and light energy (laser) causes a photochemical reaction to stimulate and activate tissues and relieve pain.It can treat various areas simultaneously with a total of 12CH of 6 channels, treat more patients, and it is also very easy to use with an air adsorption laser cup.
The medical laser irradiator has a structure that adsorbs a laser radiation tip mounted on a suction cup to the skin, and may apply stimulation by attaching it to the acupoint. Device development was devised to apply it to various treatments by applying herbal theory to laser treatment.