Bori Eunbaek korean medicine clinic

TEL 051-806-3588

Address749-1 Gaya-daero, Busanjin-gu, Busan


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Bori Eunbaek Oriental Medical Clinic
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Overview and history of the Bori Eunbaek Oriental Medical Clinic1. Graduated from Kyung Hee University College of Oriental Medicine (Seoul)2. Designated as Korea’s first “health tourism” clinic (Korean medicine) (2001)3. Designated as Korea’s first “leading institution for medical tourism” (2009)4. Served as the inaugural President of the Medical Tourism Council for Busan Seomyeon Medical Street (SMS) (2009~2011)5. Founded Korea’s first Korean Wave Philharmonic Orchestra (served as the inaugural Director)6. Located across and to the left of Lotte Department Store Busan (Seo-myeon) and Lotte Hotel Busan(one-stop venue for medical treatment, tourism, shopping, food, entertainment, and accommodation)7. Extensive experience in treating medical tourism patients traveling to Busan from a variety of countries (USA, Japan, Russia, China, Vietnam, Middle East, Australia, France, Southeast Asia)8. Multiple appearances on TV-KBS, MBC, Channel A, KNN, Mainichi (Japan), etc.9. Personal physician of professional baseball player Lee Dae-ho (Lotte Giants) (Golf & Sports Clinic)10. Inaugural President of the Korean Fermentation Detox Institute (Detox/detoxification and blood cleansing, physical constitution improvement programs, weight-loss programs)11. Jet acupuncture: Finding the exact cause of various pains and symptoms, and injecting distilled Korean medicine deep into the skin at high pressure and high speed with a cylinder instead of a needle.Innovative new technology that is effective in helping patients recover from COVID-19 and providing quick and painless efficacies (relief of various pains in the cervical disc, lumbar disc, shoulder, knee, etc.)

◎ Uniquely equipped to attract international patients1. Geographical location and great accessThe hospital is located near the Gimhae International Airport, Busan Port International Passenger Terminal (Cruise Terminal), and Seomyeon Medical Street (SMS), which is home to a large number of Western and Korean medical clinics available for medical tourism. It offers good access to various accommodation options, food, and tourist attractions such as the Lotte Department Store, Lotte Hotel, and Toyoko Inn Hotel. Seomyeon Medical Street has a cluster of medical institutions for international patients looking for plastic surgery, skincare, beauty, and other procedures, and it also has the ideal infrastructure for shopping, accommodation, food, tourism, and entertainment.2 Exclusive technology- Our hospital prides itself on being the best in the world in terms of Korean medicine technology. We offer technology that has been highly praised by “medical tourists” over the past two decades or so.- Moreover, we use what is known as “jet acupuncture” which provides rapid and painless treatment and delivers excellent efficacies on various musculoskeletal pain, headache, fatigue as well as aches in the neck, back disc, knee, elbow, etc. It is a new type of technology that helps international patients remain comfortable and pain-free as they receive the treatment they need.- Our hospital uses detoxifying and thermo-immune agents that cleanse the blood, reduce body fat, strengthen muscles, increase body temperature, and improve the immune function by removing toxins in the intestine, liver, and kidneys. By doing so, the medicine we use decomposes and discharges wastes and toxins in the blood and body to cleanse the blood and improve its circulation. They also deliver outstanding benefits in terms of relieving various inflammations, pains, ailments, and diseases, which is why our treatment and medicine have been hailed by international patients.3 Reasonable costOur hospital provides satisfying services across the entire treatment experience with discounts available for both treatment and drug costs for international patients.

Our hospital at the moment has one doctor and two nurses. Our hospital is only a minute from Samseong Jungang Station on subway line no. 9, 5 minutes from COEX, and 10 minutes from the City Airport Terminal on foot. In terms of equipment, our hospital features a heart rate variability monitor, a pulse diagnostic device, a meridian tester, and a nasal endoscope.Director Gwak No-gyu graduated from Daejeon University in 1993, and received a master's and a doctorate in pathology from Kyung Hee University. Dr. Gwak served as an adjunct professor (2009~2019) and affiliated professor at the Semyung University College of Oriental Medicine After studying Sasang constitutional medicine from Park In-sang and Heo Man-hoe, Dr. Gwak has been practicing Sasang constitutional medicine for the past 28 years.

Medical information and contact information

TEL 051-806-3588

Medical field

Internal Medicine of Korean Medicine, Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine, Sasang Constitutional Medicine (Constitutional Diagnostic), Obesity

Available language


Products & service

We provide you with safe and diverse Korean Medicine products and medical services.



해독청혈온열면역제는 장 해독, 간 해독, 신장해독으로 피를 맑게 하고 체지방을 감소시키고 근육강화, 체온증가, 면역기능을 향상시키는 역할을 합니다. 혈액과 몸속의 노폐물 독소를 분해, 배출시켜 피를 맑게 하여 혈액 순환이 잘되게 하여 모든 염증, 통증, 병증, 질병을 치유합니다.



공진단은 녹용, 사향과 같은 희귀한 한약재가 들어가 강장의 효능이 매우 강하며 과학적으로 여러 연구를 통해 효능이 입증되고 있습니다. 선천적으로 허해서 기운이 없는사람, 만성피로, 면역력강화,스트레스, 신경쇠약, 정력이 약하거나 원기가 부족한 사람들에게 도움이 된다.



제트약침은 통증이나 증상의 원인을 정확하게 찾아서 아프지 않으면 서도 효과가 빠른 혁신적인 신기술인데.. 주사바늘 대신 실린더를 사용하므로 통증이 적으며 고압, 고속으로 약침을 피부 속으로 주입하므로 제트기처럼 효과가 빠르다고 해서 <제트약침>이라고 합니다. * 제트약침은 통증이 심하거나 * 오래 동안 치료받았는데도 잘 낫지 않거나 * 시간이 없어서 치료받으러 자주 못 오시거나 * 빨리 낫고 싶으신 분들께서 선호하는 시술입니다.


태양광 근적외선 온열해독 사우나

피부 침투 파장 깊이가 0.5mm의 원적외선인 사우나 찜질방 황토방, 숯가마 보다 침투 깊이가 6mm로 깊어 효과가 12배 더 좋습니다... 수술 없이 모세혈관을 열어주어 혈액순환을 촉진시켜 노폐물을 제거 하고 인체의 기를 충전해서 피로해소, 활력증진, 통증완화, 각종 질병 치료에 효과가 좋습니다.



사상 체질검사는 3가지 방법을 종합해서 체질을 판단하는데, 먼저 맥을 잡아서 판단하고 그다음 순금 진동추를 이용해 기 에너지와 파동을 감지하여 판단하고, 마지막으로 O-ring TEST로 체질 판단이 맞는지 확인 하므로 일반적인 체질검사보다 정확도가 높습니다.

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