Over-the-counter drugs

HanPoong Kyung Ok Go

Hanpoong Pharm. Co Ltd,.

- Honey, Poria,Rehmannia, Ginseng.

- Recharge energy when the body experiences fatigue during or after an illness or generally weak and tired or due to menopausal disorder  

Take one pack once a day  


Originating in the Song dynasty of China, the prescription “Precious Jade Paste,” or Qiong-Yu-Gao (QYG) in Chinese, is a classical tonic TCM formula that was first mentioned in “Hong-Shi-Ji-Yan-Fang” written in 1170. QYG was known to be favored by Kublai Khan of the Mongol Empire. In Korea, the same prescriptioncalled “Gyeongokgo (瓊玉膏)” is recorded in important books on Korean herbal medicine, such as “Dongui Bogam (A Precious Mirror of Eastern Medicine),” “Jejungsinpyeon (A New Collection of Prescriptions for Saving the People),” and “Bangyakhappyeon (Compilation of Formulas and Medicinals).” The book “A Precious Mirror of Eastern Medicine,” out of 4,000 listed prescriptions, introduces “Precious Jade Paste” as the very firstone, which can “make white hair turn black and a lost tooth grow back.” It is a popular medicine for the whole family, known to cool the overheated yang energy while nourishing the body of both men and women.  

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