At Seocho Inuri Korean Medicine Medical Hospital, where Dr. Mangi Hwang, who is the founder of Seocho Inuri Korean Medicine Medical Hospital network and the head doctor (Adjunct Professor, Seogang University, 16th Dong-Euibogam Award, and Minister of Health and Welfare Award, 2020), sees the patients himself (since 2002), we provided specialized medical care for atopic dermatitis, chronic eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, dry skin, allergic sinusitis, rash, chronic coughing, asthma, weak child, slow growth, developmental retardation, sexual human precocity, alopecia areata, obesity, and other diseases through our Traditional Korean Medicine pediatric clinic. Also, we are running Traditional Korean Medicine fracture/osteoporosis clinic based on Jeopgoltang (South Korean Patent No. 10-0731160) that helps bones heal twice faster.
Medical information and contact information
Treatment information: Contactless online or telephone consultation and prescription available. Open on Saturdays and Sundays (office closed on Thursdays)
Departments: Traditional Korean Medicine dermatology, Traditional Korean Medicine pediatrics, Traditional Korean Medicine internal medicine, Traditional Korean Medicine gynecology clinic
TEL 02-3474-1075
Medical field
Internal Medicine of Korean Medicine, Dermatology of Korean Medicine (Skin care), Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
Available language
Atopic dermatitis of infants, toddlers, or children who find it difficult to use Concoction ⦁Chronic eczema ⦁ Seborrheic dermatitis ⦁Dry skin ⦁ Rash ⦁Diaper rash or other skin diseases by skin wash, which is ‘washing concoction’ developed by our clinic. We published the related articles (SCI journals and Korean National Traditional Korean Medicine Research Institute) for academic (scientific) verification of its efficacy.
We also provide a contactless fracture/osteoporosis clinic by Dr. Mangi Hwang, who is the holder of the patent for Jeopgoltang (South Korean Patent No. 10-0731160), which is a patented concoction that helps fractured bones heal twice faster.
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